N-The Rakes of Mallow C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-4G-4 b-4 G-4 b-4 G-4 b-4 c-8_b-8 a-8_G-8 F-4 a-4 F-4 a-4 F-4 a-4 d-8_c-8 b-8_a-8 L- Beau- ing belle- ing dan- cing drin- king, Brea- king win- dows, cur- sing, sin- king H- M-4G-4 b-4 G-4 b-4 G-4 b-4 d-5 d-8 c-8_b-8 a-8_G-8 F-8_G-8 a-8_b-8 G-2 G-2 L- E- ver ra- king, ne- ver thin- king Live the Rakes of Mal- low! H- M-4g-4 f-8_e-8 d-4 c-4 b-4 c-4 d-2 g-4 f-8_e-8 d-4 c-4 b-4 d-4 a-2 L- Spen- ding fas- ter than it comes, Bea- ting wai- ters, bai- liffs, duns, H- M-4g-4 f-8_e-8 d-4 c-4 b-4 c-4 d-2 c-8_b-8 a-8_G-8 F-8_G-8 a-8_b-8 G-2 G-2 S-6 L- Bac- chus' true be- got- ten sons, Live the Rakes of Mal- low.